Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

We had a great time camping with our friends this last weekend! We headed up into the Cascades past Clearlake and went camping in the woods.

Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

Friday, May 20, 2011


J is doing a school project on an animal. She can choose any animal she would like and then has to do a report on said animal. She has chosen our dog Annie.

Annie is half Basset Hound.

And is half Chocolate Lab.

Combine those two and you get our Annie!

Annie has been a part of our family for 3 years. We love her and can't imagine our lives without her.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Coupon Shopping

Recently, on Sunday 4/15/11, I went on a coupon shopping trip to Albertson's. They were having their Twice the Value coupons.

This means that when you use one of these coupons with another coupon they will double it. There are a few rules though.

1. They will only double up to $1.00
2. You can only use 3 of these coupons in 1 transaction.
3. You can only have 3 transactions in 1 shopping trip.

These rules make things a little difficult, but not impossible.

When I went on Sunday I had all of my coupons and was able to buy everything I was after. This included Mayo for $.50!!!!! I have a rule that I do not buy more than people in my house. We have 5 people in our house, but I usually don't get more than 3 of one item.

In case you can't read the savings they say $8.69, $13.59 and $18.07
I ended up saving a total of $40.45!

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener....

This last weekend the Ocsar Mayer Wienermobile came to town. I couldn't resist taking the kids to check it out.

They thought it was so cool!

So did I!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Father/Daughter dance 2011

Last night Ben took J to a Girl Scout father/daughter dance. This year's theme was a 50's sock hop. J had the best time! Ben had a good time too.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I was talked into it

Well I have joined the PTO. I did not go into it easily and I did not have high hopes for staying in. In fact, I planned to go to one meeting and never go again with an excuse as to why I couldn't go anymore.

Turns out I love it and the members are some of the nicest people I have met in our little town! I will be at every meeting and am even helping out with events and fundraisers. Who knew? Not I.

I am officially turning into a card carrying member of the "soccer mom" club. I never wanted to become one of "those" Mom's. I am loving every minute of it though!