So here is the post for December.
At the beginning of the month we went ice skating with little E's Cub Scouts. We had a blast! Big E decided to hang out with his friends instead so there are no pictures of him here, but little E and J had a great time.

Dad even got in on the act.

A couple of weeks later we went to see Santa. Little E and J were so excited! They asked him for the same things they wrote to him about earlier in the month. Little E wanted "Hulk Hands" and J wanted a "Hannah Montana" plate. Why she wanted a plate I'm not sure, but she was very specific about it.
Big E wanted the usual 14 year old boy things, T.V., DVD player, cell phone, Xbox 360, etc...

In the midst of all things Christmas my best friend Kim had her "29th" birthday. We all went over to her house and celebrated. This time was different though because there were no kids. It was kind of nice, but a little odd that we didn't have to break up any arguments, see what the kids were up to, you know the normal stuff with kids. Because of it we got a little crazy.

On the morning of Christmas Eve the kids decorated 120 sugar cookies. the pile went from looking like this.

(adorable child included)
To looking like this.

We then got dressed and went to my parents house for my dad's birthday/Christmas. my dad has a Christmas Eve birthday. So we always have his birthday before we have Christmas. We all gathered around and watched him open his presents.

We then had the big Christmas dinner. I snapped a picture of the table before everyone sat down to eat.

And another one after we were seated.

We then all went into the living room to open the presents. There was my sister Bridget and her family.

My sister Holly and her family.

My brother Pat and his family.

Uncle Juan holding holding our niece Ellie.

And of course my family.

I can't forget the 2 people who created all of it, my parents.

I love this one of Keira trying to feed Ellie.

One last one of Kris and big E.

I will have another post in the next few days showing our Christmas at home. update! I love it :) Can you do this a little more often...PLEASE???? I love seeing all your new pictures. Love ya!