We have been so busy lately that I haven't been able to do any of the things I really want to do. This is my craft area.


I have had no time to anything with my crafts that I have wanted to do. I made myself a promise that I would teach myself how to use my sewing machine (it's a little embarrassing that Ben knows how and I don't). This hasn't happened yet. I want to be able to make the kids some cute stuff for this summer and make some really cute doll clothes for J without breaking the bank. None of this has happened. Why? Time. Let me give you an example of our schedules lately.
I have to work late as Saturday is the first of the month so I have to get ready for end of month billing. I will get home about 8 or 9 at night.
Our niece A and our nephew M are staying the weekend with us. (I am so excited!)
I have to be at work by 6am for end of month billing.
At 10 am big E has a hockey game
At 3 pm J has a Girl Scout meeting
At 7 Little E and M are going to a birthday party sleepover
At 2pm our other nephew is having his First Communion and confirmation at church with a BBQ after
At 2:15 Big E has another hockey game
At 2:30 Ben has a softball practice
At 3:30 Ben has a softball game
At 4:45 Ben has a softball game
This is a typical weekend for us lately. It is crazy! Summer hasn't even started yet and we are already planning everything we want to do with the kids this summer.
On a happier note Big E is doing so well at hockey. This is his first year ever playing and he is being noticed. He has had several coaches approach him and ask how long he has been playing and they are just blown away when they find out he just started. I am so proud of him!

I can relate sister... but this is how Memories are made every day! love you ;) ~ Bree