We have a few memorable events the last 3 weeks.
We started school.

Big E wouldn't let me take his picture.
Big E is a freshman, Little E & J are in second grade.
Big E crashed his new bike (birthday present) on his birthday. He broke his right ring finger and has been unable to practice or play football. We received permission for him to at least practice if it was in a cast. He now looks like this.

He insisted on the pink cast!
Our evenings have been filled with football and cheerleading. Big E is playing on the JV team.
Little E is on the 7 & 8 year old football team. J is cheering for his team.
This weekend was Benton City Daze. It is a local festival celebrating our little city. There was a parade, which of course all three of the kids were in.

This weekend we had their first official game. Little E is the Center. They looked so cute! Their team lost by 6 points in the last minute of the game. :(
They had the best time though.

I love all the new updates! Man, you guys are a busy family :) I kids look so cute in their gear.