This visit was double duty. We were visiting Karen and we were celebrating her daughter's 18th birthday!

The big event on the schedule for her birthday was going to Wild Waves.

We brought one of our favorite people in the world. J.H.

Big E didn't want to come. He stayed with friends for the weekend instead. I was a little sad. I really missed him, but I understand. He is getting to the age where he doesn't always want to hang out with the family.
One of my other really good friends came up for the birthday as well. Brandy is the person who introduced me to Karen. We have all been friends for a really long time.

You might not be able to tell from the pictures, but it was 55 degrees and rained the whole time we were there! The water was warm and there were no lines. There is an upside to going on a cold and rainy day.

After the water park we all headed back to Karen's for the big birthday party. The birthday girl made her own cake! It looked incredible!

It was even rainbow inside!

We had an amazing time! I would like to thank Karen again for giving us another great vacation!

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