On the 24th we went to my parents house. It also happened to be my Daddy's birthday!

After my Daddy opened his presents we had Christmas. I didn't get a lot of pictures as I was busy opening and watching everyone else open their presents.

After we went home, changed into our new jammies and set out milk and cookies for Santa.

(sorry bad cell phone picture)
You may have noticed that our tree is not just bursting with presents read why here.
The big gifts from Santa this year were
Big E - new touch screen, slide out, camera phone

Little E got a remote control monster truck!

J got an "American Girl" doll

I have mentioned it before and I will mention it again. I LOVE that Ben's mom comes over and stays the night Christmas Eve. I love that she is there when the kids get up to open their gifts from Santa. She is such an important part of our lives and we are so grateful to have her!

After a big breakfast it was time to go to Poppy's house.

This was one of the best Christmas' we have ever had.
From our family to yours I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

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