After leaving my parents house we came home and had our own family traditions. Big E, Little E & J went and got into their new P.J.'s and brushed their teeth. Then we set out cookies and milk for Santa. This year my amazing sister (who is a second grade teacher) gave all of her nieces and nephews some reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn so that Santa's reindeer would come to our house first (adorable!). We then all gathered in the family room and I read them The Night Before Christmas. After that it was off to bed.

After Santa came and before the kids woke up.
All three of the kids woke up at 2 in the morning wanting to open their presents from Santa. For 3 hours Ben and I were sending them back to bed because it was just too early. Finally at 5am we gave up and went into the living room to open presents from Santa.

You may have noticed that the tree wasn't just bursting with presents. We follow a philosophy in our house that was taught to me by my parents and we try to follow though with in our own home. The kids are allowed to ask Santa for 3 things, but only hope for one of them. Santa only brings them 3 things (plus stockings). We do not need more than that (greed) and there needs to be enough for all of the other children of the world. We have never had a problem with this and it has never been an issue.

Santa does always try to bring them the one thing they really wanted though. If you remember from the last post Little E wanted Hulk hands, J wanted an Hannah Montana plate and Big E wanted a T.V. and cell phone. Santa delivered.
Ben and I then started making our Christmas dinner. Ben's mom came over Christmas Eve and stayed the night so she was there Christmas morning and the whole day with us. I love that his mom comes over the night before. It has become one of my favorite Christmas traditions!

Here is a picture of our dinner table before we sat down to eat.
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